
Kaleidoscope Kits
kaleidoscope kits

Make a travel pouch for your mirror book activities Everything needed, from materials to illustrated directions, is included, along with explore, a. Then, use it to solve visual puzzles. Build your own spinning kaleidoscope with changeable wheels in this brain puzzle kit for kids Create a mirror book and explore angles and patterns.

Egg Stand - 3/4 High Item: KSEG-S1. Eggoscope Bushings Item: KSEG-M. Reviews.Kaleidoscope Kits. The kit includes colorful jewel chips and fits into your turned egg to make a great project. Drill a 13/16 hole in your blank 2 x 2-1/4 blank, mount on your lathe and turn an egg shape - Then insert the 24kt Gold Plated Eggoscope kit assembly. Kaleidoscope Parts and How to Build OneThis project will enable you to make a beautiful, functional and fun kaleidoscope.

Without light, kaleidoscope do not function. This is called the scope's mirror system.All kaleidoscopes allow for light to enter the object end. Most have one end designed to be looked through and the other end designed to provide objects for viewing.All Kaleidoscopes have one or more reflective surfaces inside them to create the kaleidoscope's image. Most are round or square tubular shapes around 6 to 12 inches long and a few inches in diameter.

kaleidoscope kits

A variety of good kits are available from Kaleidoscope World or Boston Craftworks. Many different kits can be found by searching the internet. Be careful when picking a kit, as the amount of effort needed varies greatly between kits.

Binocular Scopes - scopes which have two bodies connected together in the middle to allow the person viewing the scope to use both eyes These are either Binocular or Companion scopes. To look like the pieces of art they are.Some scopes have two or more bodies. Popular items include soda, beer & wine bottles, eggs, gourds, and seashells.Kaleidoscope bodies are often built to look like other objects such as planes, cars, people, animals, lighthouses and even famous buildings however, mostly kaleidoscope bodies are built to look beautiful. The body of scopes is usually structured in one of the classic geometric shapes of the cylinder, triangle, square and rectangle.Kaleidoscope bodies are usually made of stained glass, brass (or other metals), wood or acrylics however scopes have been made from just about anything.

After constructing the body, it may be decorated. Remember that the human eye needs around 6 inches to focus, so the body should be at least that long or a magnifying lens is required. Companion scopes which have the objects in the middle and allow the viewers to view from each end usually have only a single body.When building a first kaleidoscope's body, objects most often used are Pringles potato chip cans, plastic cups or PVC piping. Companion scopes often have many bodies connected together to allow multiple people to view simultaneously.

Use it to temporarily test putting your scope together. Then cut up some cardboard strips to size and tape them together as a mock-up of your mirror system. Once you determine the type of mirror system you want, do some math to estimate the width of your mirrors. The diameter is harder to figure out. The length is easy to figure out (length from the eye piece to the object cell).

Types are most usually 2, 3 or 4 mirrors. Remember that must front surface mirrors come with a removable plastic lamination to protect the mirror coating which must be removed before using.Configuration - This means picking the type of system and the angle of the mirrors. It is a bit harder to get and more expensive but since the reflection comes off the front, it provides superior quality for kaleidoscopes (if you see a kaleidoscope image that is cloudier in some areas, the scope uses second surface mirrors). High end scopes use front or first surface mirror. This material is available at all glass shops and they will usually sell cut-to-size pieces. Second surface mirrors have the reflective coating on the back surface.

Placement - in the center or off center Three considerations exist for the viewing hole within the eye piece: It has a viewing hole (also called an "eye hole") that often conforms to the mirror system. It needs to conform to the body shape of the scope. For it, 3 mirrors all the same length and width, are taped together length-wise to form an equilibrium triangle.To learn more about different types of mirror systems go to our Kaleidoscope Mirror Systems page.The eye piece is the area of the scope that will be used for viewing.

Another type of scope which requires eye piece considerations is the multiple mirror system scope. These are called binocular scopes. Top end kaleidoscopes often use an optical lens with magnifying properties.Some scopes have dual bodies allowing the viewer to uses both eyes. This glass is referred to as the scope's lens. Shape - mostly circular or an oval but can be triangular or square (teardrop shape is very popular for 2-mirror scopes)The viewing hole is usually back filled with a piece of glass to prevent dust from entering the scope.

Object cells are attached directly to the scope's body. These objects are attached to the scope or made accessible to the scope via the one of the following Object Mechanisms:Object Cell or Chamber- These terms are used interchangeably. These objects often are translucent to allow light to enter te mirror system (light must enter the mirror system for the scope to function). A piece of plastic secured to the inside of the eye piece makes a great first lens.Below photo shows 5 scopes with different sizes and shapes of eye piece.Kaleidoscopes must provide objects to be viewed. It is also fine to omit the eye piece altogether. It requires the eye piece to have a lens for each mirror system.When building a first kaleidoscope's eye piece, objects most often used are cardboard taped to the end, duct tape with an opening or a PVC pipe end cap with a hole drilled in it.

The objects only move when the scope or chamber moves allowing viewers to see an image indefinitely. Dry cell - contains dry objects. Each time the objects change position a different image is produced.

The popular "wand scopes" allow for the purchase of additional wands with different color liquids. This allows them to be interchanged. These are dry cells.Wand(s)/Puck - These are similar to the liquid filled cell in that they are liquid-filled however they are not directly attached to the scopes body. Fillable cells - these open so that the viewer can change the objects they are viewing. This provides continuously changing images.

Most use multiple wheels since a single wheel greatly reduces the number of viewable images. They always rotate independently of the scope's body and are at an angle to the scope's body.Wheel scopes use one or more wheels as objects. Some attach through the end of the scope's body or are attached to the scope's stand.

Scopes with a dry cylinder are limited to a small number of unique images (one time around the cylinder and you have seen every possible image). For this reason must scopes with a cylinder don't need a stand. They add to the scopes appearance and don't hang down below the scope like wheels do.

kaleidoscope kits